nous avons dit au revoir à la chaleureuse belgique et sommes arrivés à luxenbourg!!
La Kulturfabrik d’Esch sur Alzet nous a accueillis à bras ouverts. Après 42 km de route, directement de la selle à la scène pour jouer…

It has been 10 days since our departure from Brussels. And… hurraaay! Yesterday we crossed the Luxembourg border and a new chapter of our music bike tour has begun.
The last 4 days we spent in the Ardennes, the Belgian mountains, where we played at several farms. It was so good to be in the nature, to eat such fresh and healthy food, to be woken up by animal noises… But in order to live all these pleasures, each day we had to face a sometimes enormous struggle, climbing the hills by bike with all the luggage…ohhh our muscles grew stronger, there is no doubt about it! We had many troubles with our Rosalina tandem bike, which is carrying the heaviest stuff. And the organisation of a group of 13 people all speaking very different languages is not always easy 🙂 but we get there, we make a lot of sitzung (=“meeting“ translates literally as „a seating“, which is a good thing, too). And we even find some energy to dance in the evenings to the music of @hermanos_perdidos_music!